フランスのHAZE WHEELSから青木凛のウェルカムパートが公開。


フランスのウィールブランド HAZE WHEELS に青木 凛が加入。

ウェルカムパートの制作はガールズスケートビデオでお馴染み、YuriYuri (村井祐里)が担当。

HAZEは様々なスケートスタイルに対応する豊富なシェイプと高品質なウレタン、2000年代のスケートを思い出すキュートで大胆なグラフィックがたまりません。 日本での発売が待ち遠しいウィールブランドです。



Q.  自己紹介お願いします。


私はHaze wheelsのオーナー、ベルトラン・スブリエ、47歳です。



Q. Haze wheelsはどんなウィールですか?




Q. Haze wheelsの特徴を教えてください。


優れたフィルマー向けに特別なフィルマーウィールも作ってる。 フィルマーはもっと評価されるべきだと思うからね。
同じ理由で「Local Hero」プロモデルも作っていて、 このLocal Heroモデルを始めたきっかけは、スケボーが上手なのに、業界でスポンサーや認知を得られなかった友人がいたからだ。
そして彼から映像をもらい、 スケートボード以外の好きなことを知っていたので、彼の名前と好きなものモチーフにモデルを作り始めたんだ。
完成したウィールが届いたとき、彼のLocal Hero Proモデルの発表の最後にビデオをYouTubeに載せた。
すぐに彼に電話してYouTubeでビデオを見るように言った。ビデオの最後に彼がどれだけ喜んでいたかは想像できるでしょ! もちろん私も嬉しかった!!
Haze では「Heritage(ヘリテージ=遺産や伝統)」モデルもいくつか作ってるよ。基本的には、当時大きな影響を与えたスケーターへのオマージュなんだ。
たとえば、フランスではステファン・ラランス、ブルーノ・ルーランド (デスボックス スケートボードの最初のフランス人プロ) のためにヘリテージ(伝統?復刻?)モデルをいくつか作ったよ。
最近、トム・ペニーのために「Honorable guest」を作ったよ。


Q. HAZEというブランド名について


数年後、ついにウィールの会社を立ち上げたよ。 私はフランスのウィールカンパニー2社でプロとして働いていたが、倒産してしまってね。
友人のVincent Bressolとその会社を買収しようとしたけど、Tikal Wheelsのオーナーは受け入れてくれなかったんだ。
そこで別の友人とTravel Wheelsを立ち上げた。
その後、2年半後に私たちは別れ、友人のStéphane Garnier(別名Koolfunc88)の助けを借りてHaze Wheelsを立ち上げた。


Q. なぜ青木 凛をライダーに選んだのですか?




Q. 日本のスケーターにはどんなイメージを持っていますか?


間違っているかもしれませんが、それが私の見方だね。 私もその時代の出身なのでこの時代が大好きだよ。だから、日本のスケーターが大好き。


Q. HAZEウィールは日本で入手できますか?


残念ながらできないんだ…でも、日本のショップや代理店と仕事をしたいと思ってるよ。 今、日本の業界で誰かを探してる。
私の秘密の夢は、日本の代理店やショップで働いて、ライダーと一緒にスケートツアーに行くことなんだ。 スケートなしでもいい!


French Wheel Brand HAZE WHEELS Welcomes Rin Aoki

Rin Aoki has officially joined the French wheel brand HAZE WHEELS. To celebrate this, a welcome video part is being produced by Yuri Murai (YuriYuri), known for her work in girls’ skate videos. HAZE WHEELS stands out for its variety of shapes, high-quality urethane, and its cute yet bold graphics that bring back the nostalgia of 2000s skateboarding. It’s a wheel brand many in Japan are eagerly awaiting.

In this interview with HAZE WHEELS’ owner, Bertrand Soubrier, we dive into the story behind the brand, his thoughts on Japan, and the reasons Rin Aoki was chosen as a rider.


Q. Please introduce yourself


My name is Bertrand Soubrier, I’m 47 years old now, and I’m the owner of Haze Wheels.

I started the brand in 2010. I live in Paris and still skate every other day.


Q. What kind of wheels are Haze Wheels?


We offer a wide variety of regular street wheels and soft wheels.

These include soft street-shaped wheels, cruiser wheels, and old-school shaped soft wheels.


Q. What are the unique features of Haze Wheels?


We provide a variety of shapes and hardness levels for our wheels. We work with one of the best and largest factories in China. Our soft wheels come in various styles.

We also make special “filmer wheels” designed for great filmers because I believe they deserve more recognition. For the same reason, we started the “Local Hero” pro model.

This model began because I had a friend who was really good at skateboarding but wasn’t getting any sponsorship or recognition in the industry.

I knew he was 100% passionate about skateboarding, and I thought if I were him, it would be a dream to have my name on a board or wheel as a memory of this amazing time.

So I asked him for footage. I also knew what he loved in life besides skateboarding, so I started making models using his name and incorporating his favorite things!

When the wheels finally arrived, I uploaded a video on YouTube as a surprise announcement for his Local Hero Pro model.

Soon after, I called him and told him to watch the video on YouTube—you can imagine how happy he was when he saw the end of the video!! Of course, I was also thrilled!!

Since then, I’ve done a few other things, but the joy of making someone happy is so rewarding that I want to keep doing it.

At Haze, we’ve also made some “Heritage” models. These are basically tributes to skaters who had a big impact during their time.

For example, in France, we’ve created several Heritage models for Stéphane Larance and Bruno Rouland (the first French pro for Deathbox Skateboards).

Deathbox was the original name of Flip Skateboards. Recently, we made an “Honorable Guest” model for Tom Penny.

It’s because of these people that I love skateboarding and continue doing it, and I think it’s the same for many skateboarders.


Q. Why did you name the brand Haze?


I named the brand Haze because when I was a teenager (maybe 16 years old), my aunt asked me what I wanted to do in life. I told her I wanted to keep skateboarding for the rest of my life and run a skateboarding clothing company.

A few years later, I finally launched a wheel company. I had worked as a pro for two different French wheel companies, but they went bankrupt.

My friend Vincent Bressol and I tried to buy one of these companies, but the owner of Tikal Wheels didn’t accept our offer.

So, I started Travel Wheels with another friend.

Two and a half years later, we went our separate ways, and I founded Haze Wheels with the help of my friend Stéphane Garnier (also known as Koolfunc88).

He was in charge of all the graphic direction and has been the art director of the brand ever since. Initially, I wanted to name the brand “AZ” because it represents the first and last letters of the alphabet.

For me, it symbolized dedicating 100% of my life to skateboarding.

However, the name “AZ” was already taken in France, so I chose Haze instead.

At the time, I was smoking a lot, so it made sense to me. Later, I found out that in French, “Haze” is the name of a female rabbit. Rabbits are fast animals, so the wheels could be seen as running fast!


Q. Why did you choose Rin Aoki as a rider?


A friend, Pierre from Reve, introduced me to Rin and sent me her Instagram profile. I loved her style and personality.

A few weeks after sending her the first box of wheels, I met her in Paris, and we hit it off. Rin is an amazing person and skateboarder, making her a perfect fit for a brand like ours!


Q. What is your impression of Japanese skateboarders?


I feel that Japanese skateboarders are really passionate about skateboarding. For example, Yuto is like a skateboarding monk—he’s dedicated to his craft, loves skateboarding, and it’s fun to watch him.

I think a lot of Japanese skaters are into the golden age of American skateboarding (like videos from eS Menikmati or the more recent Primitive vibe). I might be wrong, but that’s how I see it. I’m from that era myself, and I love it, so I really appreciate Japanese skateboarders. I also love the overall style of skaters like Rin, Yuri Murai, Kyonosuke Yamashita, and Aim Yamazaki.


Q. Can you get Haze Wheels in Japan?


Unfortunately, not at the moment. But I’d love to work with a shop or distributor in Japan. Right now, I’m actively searching for someone in the Japanese skate industry. If anyone reading this interview is interested, please reach out!

My secret dream is to work with a distributor or shop in Japan and go on a skate tour with the riders. Even without a skate tour, I’d love to visit places like Akihabara and Shibuya, stop by Super Potato or Book-Off, and then enjoy a great meal with local skaters.

Since I was young, I’ve loved Japanese food and culture, and of course, I’m a fan of retro video games, manga, and anime!



青木 凛 : instagram